
Showing posts from 2016

Writing Process in ENG 001

Writing Process in ENG 001              The writing task is always a challenge for an EFL teacher because the EFL learners, in general, find it very challenging and time consuming as well. Recently I tried to find a solution for this problem. I have to devise a writing task to meet the learning out of the lesson in which students have to write a paragraph about what makes them laugh. I try these steps and ultimately we are able to write a good paragraph on the given ILO.   STEP 1: Mind Mapping STEP 2: Card for Students STEP 3: Topic Sentence STEP 4: Supporting Sentences STEP 5: Concluding  Sentences STEP 6: Post it online

Writing Process in ENG 001

Writing Process in ENG 001              The writing task is always a challenge for an EFL teacher because the EFL learners, in general, find it very challenging and time consuming as well. Recently I tried to find a solution for this problem. I have to devise a writing task to meet the learning out of the lesson in which students have to write a paragraph about what makes them laugh. I try these steps and ultimately we are able to write a good paragraph on the given ILO.   STEP 1: Mind Mapping STEP 2: Card for Students STEP 3: Topic Sentence STEP 4: Supporting Sentences STEP 5: Concluding  Sentences STEP 6: Post it online

Student's Agency and Self-Efficacy

Student's Agency and Self-Efficacy Agency or self-efficacy or we may call it self-concept; they are not novice in the field of pedagogy. 100 years ago there were experiments in  Winnetka, Illinois, USA on mastery based learning   and they saw great result s, but they wouldn't able to scale it because it was logistically difficult.  The teacher had to provide different worksheets to every student,   based on-demand assessments to carter the need of every learner. Now a day, after the easy access of modern gadgets and internet, if the teacher is depriving a learner from mastering the concept and not exercises his agency, I believe the teaching community is committing heinous crime. This is all based on the idea that if we let our learners tap into their potential by mastering concepts, by being on the idea to exercise agency over their learning. Being an ESL Teacher for past 18 years, I reached to the hypotheses that the students best learn when the play with

Student's Agency and Self-Efficacy

Student's Agency and Self-Efficacy Agency or self-efficacy or we may call it self-concept; they are not novice in the field of pedagogy. 100 years ago there were experiments in  Winnetka, Illinois, USA on mastery based learning   and they saw great result s, but they wouldn't able to scale it because it was logistically difficult.  The teacher had to provide different worksheets to every student,   based on-demand assessments to carter the need of every learner. Now a day, after the easy access of modern gadgets and internet, if the teacher is depriving a learner from mastering the concept and not exercises his agency, I believe the teaching community is committing heinous crime. This is all based on the idea that if we let our learners tap into their potential by mastering concepts, by being on the idea to exercise agency over their learning. Being an ESL Teacher for past 18 years, I reached to the hypotheses that the students best learn when the play with




PRESENTATION IN KSAALT 2016 DAMMAM 9th Annual KSAALT TESOL Confrence KSAALT   9 th  Annual Conference Back to the Future:  ELT in the 21st Century  Saturday, May 7, 2016 Presenters: Nasir Khalid Abbasi: Zahid Muzaffar Khan ERP Coordinator, ELCY, Yanbu, Saudi Arabia Topic: Extensive Reading (ER) in an EFL Program: Student Perceptions, Limitation and Future Directions The digital natives of 21 century are struggling predominantly in reading skill and they are facing a lot of challenges. To handle these challenges, the ELCY Management at Yanbu assigns the ERP ( Extensive Reading Project ) Team a daunting task to launch ER project at FYP. On the one hand, the ERP promotes autonomous learning in our students, on the other hand, the students are acquiring a lifelong reading skill that will continuously improve them both academically and intellectually. We believe, instead of responding to only immediate problems they encounter, the ERP can consolida

ERP at YUC Fair 2016

ERP @ YUC FAIR 2016 ERP made another distinction by representing ELI at YUC Fair 2016. The ERP team along with its out standing students established four stalls. These stalls included English Language Club, Toastmaster Club, Writing Club and ERP. Mr. Nasir Abbasi was the team leader and organizer in the Fair. Following students participated in the Fair and represent various clubs and centers.  3500138-      Emad  Al- Ghamdi 3600993-       Yahya   Gamal 3600778 -     Ahmed  Saaid 3600554-       HmoudAl-Zahrani 312126        Mojahid   Khojah 322028        Youssef  Ismail  Youssef   Moathen 331506        Adham   Shamoun 331413        Abdulrahman   Yahya   Hawsaw 332071       Mohammed  Nawaf  Mohammed

Extensive Reading Project (ERP) is in News

Team Extreme-RCYCI Media Center​ Attachments area Preview YouTube video 2016 RCYCI MARCH 2 MINUTE ARABIC NEWS Add caption 2016 RCYCI MARCH 2 MINUTE ARABIC NEWS Dear All, ​ Please find below the web links for the February 2016 edition of the '2 minute Campus News video’ in Arabic and English. The news capsule highlights noteworthy news and events of the Royal Commission Yanbu Colleges & Institutes (RCYCI)​. Please click on the links below to view:​  Arabic version of ‘2 minute Campus News’​ ​​ v=OF00jLFSoGM&feature=em- share_video_user English version of ‘2 minute Campus News’ ​​ v=gLSOs-Gq55c&feature=em- share_video_user ​Update yourself about the latest at RCYCI in just 2 minutes. For details of these news items and more, please see the next edition of RCYCI newspaper – The Ro’yah (meaning ‘the vision’)

Blended Learning: make your learning more reflexive


ACTIVE LEARNING ACTIVITIES Students  solve  problems,  answer  questions,  formulate  questions of their own,  discuss ,  explain, debate , or  brainstorm  during class Research has shown that knowledge retention can be significantly increased by creating a welcoming environment and incorporating active learning strategies into your teaching. (Blumberg, P. (2008) Learning is not a spectator sport – students do not learn much just by sitting in class listening to teachers, memorizing prepackaged assignments, and spitting out answers. They must talk about what they are learning, write about it, relate it to past experiences, apply it to their daily lives. They must make what they learn part of themselves.  ( Chickering , A &  Gamson , Z. F. (March 1987) Seven principles for good practice. AAHE Bulletin 39: 3-7. )  Active Techniques: Think-pair-share (pair-share) • Role playing, Simulations • Muddiest point/clearest point • Group quizzing • Generate lists •
Extensive Reading Project  Introduction:                       E xtensive Reading Project (ERP) at YIC 2015-16   The Extensive Reading Project (ERP) is implemented at ENG 001 and ENG 002 level at ELCY as it has a number of benefits: The Extensive Reading Project can help our students to become more autonomous learners who are able to take the responsibility of their own learning process. That is, instead of responding to only immediate problems they encounter, they can consolidate their knowledge of vocabulary, fluency, and reading strategies in an ongoing and natural manner with the help of a book of their own choice. Thanks to ERP, the students spend more time learning English at their own pace. Naturally, each class has students who range in aptitude, learning styles and, without exception, in reading skills.  Extensive reading with graded readers makes it much easier to cater to learner differences in the class. More importantly, the ERP aims to enable the learners
Dictation Activ ity in My Class
My Class Demo Videos This is my Foundation Year Class at Yanbu Industrial College, Saudi Arabia. The Learning Outcome of this lesson is to teach correct paragraph structure to the students. M y approach for this lesson is PBL.  I have selected the activity name Running Dictation for my demo lesson.The running dictation involves all four skills.  Demo Video  
ERP Award Distribution Ceremony In their efforts to improve students' learning experience in the Colleges and Institutes at Yanbu,the Management of English Language Center at Yanbu (ELCY) initiated a Center-wide project aimed at engaging all students in the Foundation English Program (FEP) in fruitful, fun, and educationally rewarding activities. This project, dubbed  E xtensive  R eading  P roject  (ERP), began in the first semester of 2015/2016 (2015_1) and witnessed unprecedented popularity and resounding success. Students appropriated the project and worked wonders. To recompense the outstanding participants – both from students and teachers – and encourage others to do more, the ELCY, through the ERP Committee, held an award distribution ceremony on February 15, 2016 at the YIC Auditorium. The ceremony kicked off at 10:15 AM.  The ELCY upper management, at the head of which was Dr.Othman Barnawi (Manager), Mr.Ahmed Dahesh (HoU – YIC Unit, ELCY Administrative Supervisor), an

Presentation of Extensive Reading (ER) in an EFL Program at YIC

Extensive Reading (ER) in an EFL Program: Student Perceptions , Limitation and Future Directions
KSAALT Yanbu Chapter conducts meaningful PD sessions on ELT The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Association of Language Teachers (KSAALT) – Yanbu Chapter in partnership with Royal Commission’s English Language Center at Yanbu (ELCY) conducted a seminar-workshop showcasing three meaningful presentations on languaging across KSA, implementation of extensive reading program, and technology integration in EFL classroom. The event was held on January 30, 2016 at the English Language Center-Yanbu, Yanbu Industrial College, Yanbu, Saudi Arabia. The first presentation titled “Languaging, Assessing, and Researching across KSA: What Is the Burning at the Stake” was delivered by Dr. Othman Barnawi, the current KSAALT Yanbu Chapter Representative and at the same time the Manager of English Language Center-Yanbu. In his talk, he discussed the evolving policies, practices, trends, and future directions of English language education in Saudi Arabia. He also highlighted the issues of E