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Student's Agency and Self-Efficacy

Student's Agency and Self-Efficacy

Agency or self-efficacy or we may call it self-concept; they are not novice in the field of pedagogy. 100 years ago there were experiments in Winnetka, Illinois, USA on mastery based learning and they saw great results, but they wouldn't able to scale it because it was logistically difficult. The teacher had to provide different worksheets to every student, based on-demand assessments to carter the need of every learner.

Now a day, after the easy access of modern gadgets and internet, if the teacher is depriving a learner from mastering the concept and not exercises his agency, I believe the teaching community is committing heinous crime. This is all based on the idea that if we let our learners tap into their potential by mastering concepts, by being on the idea to exercise agency over their learning.

Being an ESL Teacher for past 18 years, I reached to the hypotheses that the students best learn when the play with the target language on their own pace. Recently in my English class, I assigned an on-line writing task and one of students took
127 minutes to accomplish that task. Though it is not easy for a teacher to become guide on the side rather than the sage on the stage. But we have to decide in the best interest of learners and  create students agency. 

View the Task  :


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