
Showing posts from November, 2016

Writing Process in ENG 001

Writing Process in ENG 001              The writing task is always a challenge for an EFL teacher because the EFL learners, in general, find it very challenging and time consuming as well. Recently I tried to find a solution for this problem. I have to devise a writing task to meet the learning out of the lesson in which students have to write a paragraph about what makes them laugh. I try these steps and ultimately we are able to write a good paragraph on the given ILO.   STEP 1: Mind Mapping STEP 2: Card for Students STEP 3: Topic Sentence STEP 4: Supporting Sentences STEP 5: Concluding  Sentences STEP 6: Post it online

Writing Process in ENG 001

Writing Process in ENG 001              The writing task is always a challenge for an EFL teacher because the EFL learners, in general, find it very challenging and time consuming as well. Recently I tried to find a solution for this problem. I have to devise a writing task to meet the learning out of the lesson in which students have to write a paragraph about what makes them laugh. I try these steps and ultimately we are able to write a good paragraph on the given ILO.   STEP 1: Mind Mapping STEP 2: Card for Students STEP 3: Topic Sentence STEP 4: Supporting Sentences STEP 5: Concluding  Sentences STEP 6: Post it online