
Showing posts from October, 2019
Group Writing Task writing is quite difficult task when it goes tom feedback for teacher. In EFL setting teachers usually avoid writing task because it usually takes quite enough time to give individual student feedback on  his writing tasks. Following steps shift writing task into enjoyable, productive, easy and constructive feedback for learners.  STEP 1: Put students in mixed groups and keep on changing students each time you do new writing task. STEP 2: Don't forget to assign writing tasks like group leader, time keeper, and writer etc. Also visit each group if they have any query. Don't bother them while they are performing the task.  STEP 3 : I usually have 30 students in my class so I have to give feedback to 6 group. When I give group feedback, they usually take it very seriously and even sometime they start discussing ideas right then and their with each other and with me as well.    STEP 4 : After feedback, give grades to good group a