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9th Annual KSAALT TESOL Confrence
KSAALT 9th Annual Conference
Back to the Future: ELT in the 21st Century Saturday, May 7, 2016


Nasir Khalid Abbasi:
Zahid Muzaffar Khan

ERP Coordinator,
ELCY, Yanbu, Saudi Arabia

Extensive Reading (ER) in an EFL Program: Student Perceptions, Limitation and Future Directions

The digital natives of 21 century are struggling predominantly in reading skill and they are facing a lot of challenges. To handle these challenges, the ELCY Management at Yanbu assigns the ERP (Extensive Reading Project) Team a daunting task to launch ER project at FYP. On the one hand, the ERP promotes autonomous learning in our students, on the other hand, the students are acquiring a lifelong reading skill that will continuously improve them both academically and intellectually. We believe, instead of responding to only immediate problems they encounter, the ERP can consolidate their knowledge of vocabulary, fluency, and reading strategies in an ongoing and natural manner with the help of a book of their own choice. Thanks to ERP, the students spend more time learning English at their own pace. Naturally, every class has students with different aptitudes and learning styles in reading skills.  Extensive reading with graded readers makes it much easier to cater the learner differences in the class. More importantly, the ERP aims to enable the learners to enjoy and acquire a reading habit, which is a life-long skill. 
The Presenter will share the reasons, procedures and benefits of implementing the ERP across the center at ELCY, Yanbu. Hopefully, Participants will gain new insights and strategies of reading in dealing with Saudi students of different linguistic levels in EFL classrooms.


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