EExtensive Reading Project (ERP) Award Ceremony
Second Semester 2015-16 Monday, 15th of February

The Extensive Reading Project (ERP) is implemented at ENG 001 and ENG 002 level at ELCY as it has a number of benefits:
1.      The Extensive Reading Project can help our students to become more autonomous learners who are able to take the responsibility of their own learning process. That is, instead of responding to only immediate problems they encounter, they can consolidate their knowledge of vocabulary, fluency, and reading strategies in an ongoing and natural manner with the help of a book of their own choice.
2.      Thanks to ERP, the students spend more time learning English at their own pace.
3.      Naturally, each class has students who range in aptitude, learning styles and, without exception, in reading skills.  Extensive reading with graded readers makes it much easier to cater to learner differences in the class.
4.      More importantly, the ERP aims to enable the learners to acquire a reading habit, which is a life-long skill that will continuously improve them both academically and intellectually. 

Nominees of ERP in ENG -001 are as under for the 1ST Semester 2015-16:


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